This site, created by Wushucanada, contains the Wing Chun (Ving Tsun) grading system provided by the IWF. Wushucanada is honoured to provide this material for reading purposes and is meant as a contribution to any National Association who is affiliated with, or a member of, the IWF. If your organization meets this criteria, we encourage you to send information regarding your event to us and Wushucanada will be happy to promote and share your success.
Wing Chun originated in late Qing Dynasty. Ng Mui, who is remarkably familiar with martial arts, taught Yan Wing Chun and her father. Yan Wingchun and her father came from Guangdong. From a very young age, Yan Wingchun was very smart, agile, upright and strong. This globally famous martial art is named after her, Wing Chun. Northern kicks and southern fists. Wing Chun is one of southern fist.
In 1949, Ip Man brought Wing Chun to Hong Kong and carried it forward. Within 22 years, he not only spread Wing Chun in Hong Kong and Macao but all over the world. Ip Man taught many excellent students, such as Bruce Lee, Leung Seung,Lok Yiu, Chu Sheong Tin, Wong Shun Leung and Moy Yat (梁相,駱耀,徐尚田,黃淳樑, ,梅逸). They inherited Master Ip Man’s legacy and spread Wing Chun to the world.
Wing Chun is very simple. Major forms include Siu Nim Tau, Chum Kiu, Biu Ji and Muk Yan Jong (Wooden Dummy form). Basic hand techniques include Tan Sau (spreading hand), Bong Sau (wing arm), and Fook Sau (covering hand), Por Jong Sau, Lap Sau, Jat Sau. Major stances include Gok Ma, Bik Ma, Hui Bo (虛步), Yi Ji Kim Yeung Mah. Wing Chun is an internal and close fighting martial art. Wing Chun is based on actual combat: moves are ever changing and very flexible; very good at defense and capable of attack; short bridge and narrow horse; good at inch power; using Gan Sau, Lan Sau, Tan Sau and Bong Sau, with great sensitivity of the bridge; an internal martial art with a lot of Fa jing (extreme power). Weapons include Luk Dim Boon Kwan (6 ½ point pole) and Pah Cham Dao (8 slash knives’). Luk Dim Boon Kwan is simple and practical. Pah Cham Dao is mysterious and fierce. During recent decades, Wing Chun has spread out in the world to more than 60 countries It is one of the most influential Chinese martial arts.